
Sunday, July 8, 2012


This is not so much a recipe, as an idea to try. We put a large decorating tip (star shaped) in a decorating bag, and filled it with our favorite yogurt. Then squeezed (not much squeezing needed) drops of yogurt on a cookie sheet, and place it in the freezer. In about 3-4 hours, you can just use a spatula to pop them right off the cookie sheet. Put the "snowflakes" in a tupperware in your freezer, and proceed to serve 2-3 of those as "dessert". Our resident 4-year old named these, and proudly served them to our dinner guests.

Also, you can use a zip-lock bag and just cut a hole in a bottom corner. Less snowflake-like, but with the savings in clean up time, I'm sure you can devise other names.

1 comment:

  1. I like this idea :) One thing that might make it easier to get them off the cookie sheet would be to lay down some tin foil first - then they would peel right up, and you wouldn't have to worry about a discolored cookie sheet causing discolored snowflakes!
